Have You Tried Valerian Root Sleep Aid ?
valerian root flower

Have You Tried Valerian Root Sleep Aid ? I suspect that at some point in our lives, we might be victims of very little sleep or not being able to sleep – and Valerian root sleep aid comes to the rescue or does it? Let’s look at Valerian root and see what healing powers it […]

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My Review Of CTFO Super 7 CTFO
ctfo super 7 label

My Review Of CTFO Super 7   CTFO is a great company of ethics and great products. The one we will take a look at today is the CTFO Super 7 multivitamins. We will look at the ingredients, the main features, and where you can purchase it. What Is A Multi-Vitamin I would easily classify […]

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All About Vaping And Is It Good For You?
person using a vape pen

All About Vaping And Is It Good For You? You may have heard the term vaping and it is my intention to enlighten the darkness by unveiling some insight as to how it relates to vaping – all about vaping and is it good for you. This article is not to promote, advocate, or encourage […]

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The Amazing CTFO Gala Event 2018
ctfo gala event 2018

The Amazing CTFO Gala Event 2018 I had the pleasure of attending The CTFO Gala Event 2018 and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. In this article, I will go through the main ‘takeaways’ in my opinion and I invite you do so with me. And if you feel inclined, JOIN ME along with CTFO as they […]

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Cancer Survivor Stories – Does CBD Play A Role?
cancer stories

Cancer Survivor Stories – Does CBD Play A Role? Like so many people with health issues, we are all searching for a solution, sometimes a quick one but let’s be practical, how lasting would that be? And would it be only a band-aid application? We need to find alternatives too. Too many of us are […]

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So, What’s Up With Lemon Juice And Weight Loss?

So, What’s Up With Lemon Juice And Weight Loss? Have you heard about the friendship of lemon juice and weight loss? Well, they seem to work together well, and I am a testimony to that fact. Why don’t we look into this topic some more? Here goes. What Is A Lemon? I know, am I […]

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What Are The Effects Of PTSD And How Does It Affect You?
the effects of ptsd

What Are The Effects Of PTSD And How Does It Affect You? PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is the result of anyone having gone through a scary, horrendously shocking, or dangerous experience. The effects of PTSD are very real. Such an exposure to intense emotions, will naturally become ‘trigger points’ for the individual. Sometimes, they […]

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