person using a vape pen

All About Vaping And Is It Good For You?

You may have heard the term vaping and it is my intention to enlighten the darkness by unveiling some insight as to how it relates to vaping – all about vaping and is it good for you.

This article is not to promote, advocate, or encourage the process. It is simply information for anyone to use as they see fit. SO, please read this article with an open mind about vaping.

person using a vape pen all about vaping

What Is Vaping?

In order to understand all about vaping and the vaping process, we need to introduce the electronic cigarette. An aerosol, or vapor, is produced by heating the e-liquid that is in the device.

If you choose to #vape, my suggestion is to use a healthier oil such as #CBD Hemp Oil to do soClick To Tweet

What Is An Electronic Cigarette

According to Wikipedia link:

“An electronic cigarette or e-cigarette is a handheld electronic device that simulates the feeling of smoking. It works by heating a liquid to generate an aerosol, commonly called a “vapor”, that the user inhales. Using e-cigarettes is commonly referred to as vaping. The liquid in the e-cigarette, called e-liquid, or e-juice, is usually made of nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerine, and flavorings. Not all e-liquids contain nicotine.”[1]

Other Names For E-Cigarettes

‘Electronic cigarettes are also known as e-cigarettes, e-cigs, EC, electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) or electronic non-nicotine delivery systems (ENNDS), electronic smoking devices (ESDs), personal vaporizers, or PVs.’[2] And there are also known as vape pens, cartridges and pens.

What Are The Benefits

Vaping is nothing new and there are a few benefits associated with vaping. In making this list, I am in no way condoning the practice or use, I am objectively listing professed uses that people have experienced about vaping. Here are a few:

  • Used as a medium to quit or reduce smoking
  • Reduce the risk of toxins while smoking cigarettes
  • As a money-saving device versus buying cigarettes on a regular basis and might be considered less expensive
  • Used as  for recreational processes
  • Used as a health benefit source depending on the vapor being used (see suggested use below)
  • Considered healthier than smoking
  • Sometimes used to circumvent smoke-free laws and policies
  • E-cigarettes are odor-free

Some adverse yet not too serious effects associated with vaping:

  • throat and mouth irritation
  • vomiting
  • nausea
  • and coughing

Of course, please take caution and do your research before starting any course of treatment. This article is in no way a recommendation but it does provide more information all about vaping. Please confer with your medical counsel or health advocate.

Have You Heard About CBD Oil Vaping

CTFO CBD vape oil

This takes me to the subject about using CBD Oil as a vaping alternative. It has been suggested that ‘vaporizing cannabinoids at lower temperatures is safer because it produces smaller amounts of toxic substances than the hot combustion of a marijuana cigarette.[3] Cannabinoid-enriched e-liquids require lengthy, complex processing.

It must be pointed out here also, that the pure CBD Hemp Oil does not contain THC which is the ingredient that gives that psychoactive high feeling.


If you choose to investigate more about vaping, my suggestion is to use a healthier oil to do so and using this CTFO CBD Vape Oil might be the best solution out there today because it:

  • Contains no nicotine
  • Contains no THC
  • Is compatible with any refillable device
  • Comes in 500 mg and 1500 mg of pure CBD Hemp Oil per container
  • Made in 2 delicious flavors – blueberry cheesecake and natural citrus
  • Is primarily a health source for using CBD Oil depending on the user’s needs


ctfo cbd vape oil

Here is the list of ingredients:

Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerin, Terpenes, PCR Hemp, Natural Flavor.

How To Use

The best way to use any product is to adhere to the instructions on the label. You use this product as you would according to the instructions of your vaping device.

Where Can You Find It

You can find the 500mg or the 1500mg CBD Vape Flavored pure CBD Hemp Oil at the CTFO online site, HERE.

I hope you found this information about vaping  useful and that it has equipped you to make the best informed decision possible for your vaping needs. All the best and have a healthy life.

Images courtesy of Pixabay and CTFO.

I started using CTFO products as a customer and then decided to become an associate. The quality of the products and the structure of the company’s associate program have cinched the deal for me. You can read more HERE and see if this business opportunity could be something for you, or if being a customer is all you would rather be, then CLICK HERE.

You can contact me HERE and I would be more than happy to get you started in the right direction.


[1] [2] [3] Wikipedia

26 thoughts to “All About Vaping And Is It Good For You?

  • ariel

    Hello Michelle,
    This was a well informed article about vaping. I know that it is the quickest way to get pain relief.
    So do hope people always find what they need. So grateful that CTFO is around with their fabulous products.
    IN peace and gratitude, ariel

    • Michelle

      Hello Ariel,
      Thanks for your kind words. Yes, health-ful vaping is a ‘plus’ in my books and for those who choose this way of helping their health, my heart goes out to them for their effort. In the end, it should be about your health and the best option that you can find to fulfill that purpose. Namaste

  • anthony little

    I’ve always wondered why everyone started calling e-cigs vaping. But after reading your article I totally understand everything about vaping. I like how you have broken things down to explain the all about electronic cigarette and I also like how you explain the benefit of vaping include buy more healthy products to people who love vaping. Overall fabulous article Thanks for posting.

    • Michelle

      Thanks so much for your kind words, Anthony. I found them very inspirational. It is nice to know that people are finding value in the things I choose to write about. Glad that it ‘made sense’ as well. Feel free to share it with anyone you know. All the best.

  • Brandon

    My friend just started vaping and I told her instantly to throw it out, although she wasn’t keen on that since she just paid $60 for the thing, lol. I’m actually super glad that there aren’t many negative side effects because I really care about her and don’t want her to get sick or anything. By the way, she doesn’t even smoke cigarettes she just wanted it because it looked cool.

    • Michelle

      Yes, ‘looking cool’ when it comes to ‘vaping’ and other fads, might not be such a great idea, though I totally understand where she is coming from. however, there are other things to consider. Even the maintenance can be pricey from my understanding. In any event, she can still look cool and be healthy at the same time. LOL.
      All the best.

  • Andrea

    I have been seeing more and more people “vaping” recently and although I don’t smoke, I was kind of wondering how they work. I really don’t endorse any kind of smoking, but I do like that they are odorless and they don’t affect so many people who are around the smell. I think this could be a beneficial option for people who use CBD oil for help with pain management since there is no nicotine in it!

    • Michelle

      Hello Andrea,
      I totally agree with you on the whole ‘smoking’ issue. If vaping CBD Oil can and does help with pain and relief of other pain issues, then by all means, I think it is an option for the user. I find it great that users can have another way to conquer their pain.

  • Alan Edwards

    Hi Michelle, I was completely ignorant of vaping, but am now much better informed after reading your post, thank you Alan

    • Michelle

      Hello Alan,
      It is nice to know that this article proved to be a useful resource for you. Feel free to share it with others. All the best.


    Hmmm I’ve learnt so much here today.
    I’ve never heard about CBD Oil vaping.
    That could be quite a healthy option.
    Great article.
    Keep up the great work.

    • Michelle

      Hello Pearl,
      I am glad that you enjoyed the article and more importantly that you learned something new. Come back and visit any time.

  • Lara

    Hi Michelle,
    As someone who is seriously affected by cigarette smoke (and my children are too), I do believe vaping is a better alternative – we have all been around people who vape and have not had any adverse side effects, but I still notice an odor. If someone is using it to quit nicotine addiction it is definitely beneficial as well as use for legitimate medicinal purposes.
    I did not know that some of the oils can contain nicotine though.
    Thanks for the great informative article.

    • Michelle

      Yes, Lara, vaping (like so many things in life) has its advantages as well as its not so good side. On a whole though, it is my belief that if you use it for health issues in a non-intrusive way (for yourself as well as those around you), using the right oils, you should experience some change. I am not a smoker, however, while doing my research, I ‘get it’ when it comes to vaping and the type of product you use for it – as it pertains to your health.
      All the best.

  • Hannah

    I found this article really interesting. I’ve never been a smoker but my parents have and I’d love to find a way to move them onto something less harmful. it explains far more to me than I could have hoped so thanks for sharing

    • Michelle

      Thanks for visiting, Hannah. I am glad that you found the information useful and that the explanation was clear. Feel free to pass the information along and all the best.

  • Christina

    I have vaped in the past, have a few pens laying around still. I stopped because for me it did not provide the satisfaction I received from a cigarette. Yes, a smoker. However, now that I see the CBD I am taking also comes in vape liquid and has all the benefits it may be time to try it again. Is it possible to get too much cbd in vaping, is there a recommendation on how often you use it? I would think that you would not want to vape CBD like you do smoking cigarettes. Say I smoke 1/2 pack a day, that is 10 cigarettes. Is it safe to vape those 10 times if trying to stop smoking or could you get too much?
    Thank you for the help.

    • Michelle

      Hello Christina,
      Thanks for stopping by. WOW, you have some great questions. Let me try to help you work through the answers. ‘Is it possible to get too much CBD in vaping’ – well, if you follow the suggested dosage on the label, that should be a guideline for you right there. And of course everything in moderation. I am not a smoker, however, I think using the vaping option for CBD should still follow ‘common sense guidelines’ as well as the label. Also, you might want to reach out to you medical counsel to get their opinion as well. All the best.

  • Mark Bailey

    Hi Michelle,
    This a an non bias informative article outlining the pros and cons of smoking. Many elderly patients I have treated have been lifelong smokers and have poor health now because of it.
    I am certainly more knowledgeable about the differences between vaping and e-cigs. I have read different articles and heard on the grapevine that there is a danger from ‘passive’ smoking from people vaping, and I just wondered what evidence there is out to sustain this ?
    Thanks, Mark

    • Michelle

      Hello Mark,
      Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for your thoughts. Interesting question. I do not have the answer for you. In my opinion, I think that it ultimately depends on what is being used to vape, the instrument that is being used, where it is taking place. All these factors will play a part.
      I hope this helps.

  • Jenna

    Aloha Michelle!
    I use medical cannabinoid products containing CBD and THC for over a year.
    The main reason I started was a tenaciously inflammation in my hands after two weeks pulling weeds and creepers. My inflammation improved a lot! But there are more benefits as e.g. a good and deep sleep. So I continued.
    I used creams but the best results I got by oral intake smoking it. I’m not a smoker, and wondered how I could improve the intake.
    The vaping could be really the solution. I need to dig deeper into it as you have recommended, Michelle, but this could be really something for me!
    Thank you so much for the great, unbiased information!!! I would love to read more about it!

    Thanks again, and all the best for you!
    Aloha, Jenna

    • Michelle

      Hello Jenna,
      Great to hear that CBD Oil has given relief in so many ways. It is Nature’s way of helping us if we only listen to our bodies and the natural alternatives that it offers. Yes, with the new CBD Oil as a vaping option, it might be something for you. Please check it out and leave a comment. All the best.

  • Shy

    Vaping is way better for you than smoking cigarettes and you don’t have to worry about the smell and bothering other people around you.  It is a good way to quit smoking if you do smoke, and it is better for you.  I had not heard of CBD oil vaping but it makes sense.

    • Michelle

      Hello Shy, 

      Thanks for your visit. I have to agree with you. I am not a smoker nor do I encourage the act, however, if you have to, then using a health alternative is indeed a ‘plus’. I agree that vaping is also a better alternative than smoking. 

      All the best.


  • Telma

    Hey Michelle, how are you?

    I love the information you gave about vaping. You clarify allots points like benefices and pros. I am not a smoker, never been; since electronic cigarettes appear, I am kind against, because of the abuse from people that smoke. For me the vapor still have some nicotine, and those people are using inside door close places saing that’s is ok, that is not bad for others healty.

    I have a friend that came to my house, and smoke one of those e-cigarettes inside my family room, and I told him to don’t do. He got so upset, that he left saing “if my e-cigarette is not welcome here, neither do I”. This was happen about 5 years a go and he never came back to my house.

    Yesterday, when I went to vote, one of the votes was to pass a new law eliminating e-cigarettes smoking in public places like restaurants, doctors office, etc. So, my point is, I wasn’t so wrong. 

    I have nothing against to the people that’s like to use, I just don’t whant vapors, electronic or e-cigarettes aroud me.

    Thank you for educating us with this topic. Was wonderful and power information to know.

    Cheers to your success,


    • Michelle

      Hello Telma, 

      Thanks for stopping by. WOW,  what a story that you have shared. Yes, I must say that I totally understand how you feel. It is sad however, that your friends cannot accept your viewpoint objectively, however, we all have a choice.

      I am glad that you found the information useful Stop by any time.



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