things you ought to know about the herbal cannabis plant

Things You Ought To Know About Herbal Cannabis And Industrial Hemp

herbal cannabis

What is the difference between marijuana and hemp? Is there one…or many?

Now, I am sure that most people are familiar with the word (and the plant marijuana), however, there are things you ought to know about herbal cannabis (marijuana) and industrial hemp. Cannabis is a plant that has the properties of a psychoactive drug that causes its user to get that ‘psychedelic high’.

This high is from the THC – tetrahydocannabinol, which is one of 483 compounds that can be found in the plant, There are also 65 other cannabinoids present. Other active ingredients are: Cannabidiol, Cannabinol,  and Tetrahydrocannabivarin.

Therefore, the Hemp plant is not a drug despite the stigma attached to it.Click To Tweet

‘Marijuana or marihuana (herbal cannabis), consists of the dried flowers and subtending leaves and stems of the female Cannabis plant.This is the most widely consumed form, containing 3% to 20% THC, with reports of up-to 33% THC. This is the stock material from which all other preparations are derived. Although herbal cannabis and industrial hemp derive from the same species and contain the psychoactive component (THC), they are distinct strains with unique biochemical compositions and uses. Hemp has lower concentrations of THC and higher concentrations of CBD, which decreases the psychoactive effects’ .[1]

The source plants are: Cannabis sativa, Cannabis sativaforma indica, Cannabis ruderalis. The main producers are: Afghanistan, Canada, China, Colombia, India, Jamaica, Lebanon, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, Pakistan, Paraguay, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, and the United States.[1]

The three main forms of cannabis products are the flower, resin (hashish), and oil (hash oil). The UNODC states that cannabis often contains 5% THC content, resin “can contain up to 20% THC content”, and that “Cannabis oil may contain more than 60% THC content.’[1]

Common Uses Of Herbal Cannabis

dried cannabis plant

The Cannabis plant can be used:

  • Smoking – the more common way using ‘spliffs’ (paper-wrapped joints), pipes, bongs (small portable pipes similar to hookahs with a water chamber).
  • Vaporizing – heating the leaves/flowers at a high heat (165-190 degrees Celsius which causes a vapor.
  • Cooking or/and baking – added to cakes, cookies, and even made into butter.
  • As a liquid extract.
  • As a tea – which has a small amount of THC because it is an oil (lipophilic) and is not totally water-soluble. In India it used as a beverage called bhang.

Common Uses For Herbal Cannabis

There are people who actively use herbal Cannabis for various health issues. The effects have also proven to be beneficial to the users. People use Cannabis for various reasons:

  • Medical – used by some medical institutions to treat glaucoma, chronic pain and spasms, as well as some types of cancer.[2]
  • Recreational – by people with the desire to ‘have a good time’.
  • Spiritual – used by Shamans in India and Nepal, by Rastafarians in Jamaica and other Caribbean islands.

A few other examples (though not all through clinical studies and results are subjective) of using herbal Cannabis as a health alternative are:

  • reduction of nausea resulting from chemotherapy
  • improving appetite in HIV/AIDS patients
  • improving tics in Tourette syndrome

Effects From Using Cannabis

As with any drug, food, recreation, medicine, there will be effects associated with the effort. The more common effect from using Cannabis:

  • A ‘high’ or ‘stoned’ feeling
  • Distorted or noticeable change in perception
  • Euphoria
  • An increase in appetite

The effects or transformation can take effect in minutes and sometimes last anywhere from 2-6 hours depending on the:

  • strength or dosage
  • consistent use over a period of time
  • the method – smoking, inhaling, eating, taking drops

There are also short-term side effects like:

  • feeling of a dry mouth
  • loss of short-term memory – temporal disintegration
  • impaired motor skills
  • red eyes
  • feelings of anxiety and paranoia
  • sensitivity to heat or cold
  • increased heart rate
  • relaxed muscles
  • dizziness
  • vomiting
  • increased libido
  • hallucinations or visual illusions

Then there are the long-term effects to be considered such as:

  • dependency on its use
  • an obvious inability to function mentally (especially if started early on in life, ie. as a teenager)
  • behavioral issues in children based on the mother’s use while pregnant

On a side note, however, as with a lot of  ‘new’ products on the market for health solutions, you might find yourself in a crisis that invariably might color the decisions that you choose to make.  Seemingly common today is the smoking of cannabis and some have reported panic attacks as a result of it. Interestingly enough, if you need to get over a panic attack caused by THC, you might take some time to read the article on this subject.

Although the use of Cannabis is illegal in some countries, there are other where it can be medically prescribed to help with health issues (in the form of medical therapy) like: Canada, Belgium, Australia, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain and some of the United States.[2]

This usage generally requires a prescription, and distribution is usually done within a framework defined by local laws. There is evidence supporting the use of cannabis or its derivatives in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, neuropathic pain, and multiple sclerosis. Lower levels of evidence support its use for AIDS wasting syndrome, epilepsy, rheumatoid arthritis, and glaucoma.[2]

Forms Of Cannabis

Cannabis can take many forms. It really depends on the use intended and the best way that the user can benefit from it. Here are a few forms:

  • kiefa powdered form which is made from the leaves and flowers.
  • hashish – compressed powder/resin cakes/balls which can be smoked or ‘vaped’.
  • tincture – extraction using high-proof spirits (grain alcohol) and referred to as ‘green dragon’.
  • hash oil – obtained from the plant by solvent extraction and is formed in a hard, viscous mass – the most potent of cannabis products.
  • infusion – the plant is mixed with non-volatile solvents, then pressed and filtered. You can use solvents like cocoa butter, dairy butter, cooking oil, glycerin and skin moisturizers. Depending on the type of solvent,  you may even be able to use in food preparation as well as topical applications.

Ways Of Growing Cannabis

There are a few ways to grow Cannabis – from the single plant for home use to other methods like:

  • hydroponics
  • cloning
  • high-intensity artifical lighting
  • the sea of green method

I will leave the details of these methods for another article. This is mainly to pique your curiosity.

The Hemp or Industrial Hemp Plant

Let’s talk about the Hemp or Industrial Hemp plant.

It is grown from the Cannabis Sativa species. Although both plants – herbal Cannabis and industrial Hemp are both derived from the same species, what makes them different is the amount of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) property in each plant. (see above)

Common Uses For Hemp

boating rope made from hemp

Hemp has been around for quite a while and has been very active in the lives of many from so many angles…not only from a health perspective but:

  • In the textile industry
  • Simple process such making rope and sails for the shipping industry
  • Food processes
  • Biofuel
  • Clothing
  • Paper
  • Plastics
  • Bird and animal bedding and feed
  • Weed control in the agricultural industry

Once the Hemp is oxidized or more commonly referred to as drying, the Hemp oil from the seeds will become solid and then it can be used in making oil-based paint. It is also used in the beauty industry in making moisturizing creams, in cooking, and in plastics.

hemp seeds

Hemp seeds can also be used for human consumption. You can eat the raw seeds or ground them into a powder. The leaves can be used in healthy salads. You can also get Hemp as a liquid ingredient such as Hemp milk, juice and tea.

Common Uses For Hemp Oil

Hemp Oil is used for a lot of health and healing issues for the body. There are clinical studies with proof as well as ‘word of mouth experiences’ of how cannabidiol has helped people.

The active compound in industrial Hemp Oil is cannabidiol, however, it is just one of the more than 560 compounds found in the Hemp plant. Because the level of THC found in the Hemp plant is lower than 0.3%, its fiber and seeds are unsuitable to produce hashish and marijuana.[3]

Therefore, the Hemp plant is not a drug despite the stigma attached to it.

A few health issues that Cannabidiol has helped with:

  • chronic pain
  • arthritis and various joint pains
  • seizures
  • migraines
  • PTSD

Of course, using CDB Oil for various ailments has barely ‘scratched the surface’ of health and using it as an alternative source.

Ways Of Growing Industrial Hemp

France is the largest producer in the world of industrial Hemp. It is farmed just like any other plant with due care being given to the care of the soil. As a matter of fact, once the land has been cultivated with Hemp, farmers have found that it fertilizes the soil and produces better crops on rotation the following growing season.

My Suggestion For Hemp Products

I am an advocate for the best product available in any market. I have found CTFO to be a great producer of quality Hemp Oil or CBD Oil and I highly recommend their products to you. Here is a catalog of their products.

ctfo products catalog

My Final Words On Things You Ought To Know About Herbal Cannabis And Industrial Hemp

As with any internal or external application in/on the body for health-related issues, please do your due diligence. What might work well for one person might not do so for the other person – this is what our individuality is all about.

Though the results are common (to many) and on a whole very motivating to start a routine, remember this article is not about medical advice or moral suggestions – let your conscience be your guide.

I have not used Marijuana in any form but I have used industrial Hemp Oil in various forms and my experience has been a good one.

I highly recommend the CBD Oil products made by CTFO. They are pure and they give great results. Of course, I am biased to their preference, however, there are other manufacturers of CBD Oil that you can also try. I will be doing a CDB Oil guide and I will link it to this article once written.

In the meantime, one of the things you ought to know is this – I wish you health and more preference for natural medical alternatives.

Images courtesy of Pixabay, Wikimedia, CTFO.


[1] Wikipedia


[3] Wikipedia

I started using CTFO products as a customer and then decided to become an associate. The quality of the products and the structure of the company’s associate program have cinched the deal for me. You can read more HERE and see if this business opportunity could be something for you, or HERE if being a customer is all you would rather be.

You can contact me HERE and I would be more than happy to get you started in the right direction.

8 thoughts to “Things You Ought To Know About Herbal Cannabis And Industrial Hemp

  • Annie Collyer

    HI Michelle,
    What a good job of clearly explaining about cannabinoids. There is a lot of confusion about the differences, and your article clears up a lot of confusion and prejudice folks may have. Thanks for doing this.

    • Michelle

      Hello Annie,
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I am glad that you found the information enlightening. Yes, there can be shadows around such a controversial topic…lol. All the best.

  • Babsie Wagner

    Wow, I am really excited to try CBD Oil. I saw the video you posted of the Doctor talking about how it works, and it was pretty amazing. I’m all about health and I love when I find new discoveries, and I feel like I just made one! I loved your article about PTSD also. I followed a link over to that article. I have a friend who suffers from PTSD, and thank you so much for that page and the info on the benefits of CBD oil!

    Please make a note of my email address. I may be interested in the opportunity. I am going to order the product first, but I would love more information.



    • Michelle

      Hello Babs,
      Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I am glad that you found the information useful. Also happy that you did some browsing on the site and found more useful information. Yes, CBD Oil is making waves and CTFO as a company is definitely the place to be. Take your time, do your research and all the best.

  • tim

    Greate detailed article! Enjoyed the read. Thanks!

    • Michelle

      Hello Tim,
      Thanks for stopping by and glad that you found the information useful.

  • Matts Mom

    I learned a lot from this post! I do have a question though. You listed the side effects of marijuana, but are the side effects the same for CBD oil or no? I know that may sound like a dumb question. My vet recommended CBD oil for one of my dogs who gets overly nervous in the car, to a point where he gets physically sick. He is a rescue, so there are other instances as well. I have not tried it yet, but I might as it may just help him.

    • Michelle

      Hello Matts Mom,
      Thanks for your visit. Happy that you learned something from the article. No, the side effects are not the same. Each person or pet will react differently to any medication – natural or chemically enhanced. We just need to be aware once we start any course of treatment. Also, please confer with your medical counsel before starting/using any product. One thing for sure is that the effects (if there are any) that will result from using a natural product, will be less than that of one made with chemical enhancement. CTFO does offer a line of products for pets, so you might want to check out the catalog of products too HERE.
      All the best.


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