
Review Of CTFO – Changing The Future Outcome 2018 – CTFO As A Business Opportunity

ctfo logo

Have you heard of the company CTFO – Changing The Future Outcome? Well, sit tight as we learn about them in this review of CTFO and what they do, their mission, their vision, their goals and their products.

CTFO stands for Changing The Future Outcome.Click To Tweet

Product: CTFO Business Opportunity

Owner: Stuart Finger, Founder of CTFO, has been a successful network marketer and company owner since 1989.


Price: USD $0.00 – FREE associate membership


What Is CTFO

CTFO stands for Changing The Future Outcome.

It is an organization that promotes the use of CBD Oil as a source of natural health products for various health issues. It makes quite a few products with CBD Oil as a base.

Here is their mission statement:

Our Vision:
CTFO provides tools to empower people in business, health and serving others; demonstrating the Good News with quality, integrity and generosity.
Our Mission:
Our Founders care and want to positively impact every aspect of your life:
In Business: By offering an affordable, accessible opportunity with a generous pay plan and a simple road map for success
In Health: By promoting a healthy lifestyle; incorporating proper nutrition and quality products
In Serving Others: By creating a culture of organizational, personal and community development
In Quality: By providing products, customer service and associate support that actually work!
In Integrity: By operating in an honest and trustworthy manner to our employees, associates and customers
In Generosity: By giving back a portion of our profits to those in need
In Demonstrating the Good News: By following God’s word, we operate in a life-giving and abundant environment, both corporately and individually
Our Core Values:

  • To provide expanding entrepreneurial opportunity
  • To provide quality consumable products
  • We are a generous company – generous with charities, employees and associates
  • We desire prosperity for all those involved with CTFO at all levels
  • CTFO is a company with high integrity (as a corporate entity and as individuals)
    To share the Good News
  • God is at the center of all we do 

Who Is It For

question about ctfo review

Becoming an associate of CTFO is for anyone who wants to be either:

  • An associate and individual business owner – either as a wholesaler, retailer, or marketing representative
  • A customer – whose desire is to improve and maintain their health using a natural alternative

What Does CTFO Offer

CTFO offers anyone the opportunity get healthy using more natural ways as well as the opportunity to change lives not only from a health perspective but also from a wealth perspective.


You can take advantage of the business opportunity or simply be a customer and reap the benefits of good health – something that ANYONE would and should be happy to have – after all, all the money in the world can never buy you good health.

The Business Opportunity

You can join the ever-expanding network of fellow health enthusiasts who are taking their lives and incomes to the next level…and for these reasons:

  • the membership is FREE – yes, there is no membership fee
  • every associate and customer (whether you choose to go the associate route or not) gets 2 FREE websites and they can personalize the websites if they choose or just leave them as they are – either way, the online work is done for you
  • every associate get paid 100% of the commission volume and this is UNLIKE any other company when it comes to commission payout plans
  • CTFO offers 3 ways to earn commission and supersedes any other company in this department once you do your research and uses their own copyrighted Profit Sharing Positions (PSPs) to help you boost your income
  • and the compensation plan is awesome. You can listen more with this video link HERE

ctfo income opportunity image with video


ctfo compensation plan

The Health Opportunity

From the health perspective, quite simply, you can purchase the products and enjoy new improvement on various health issues by using the natural CBD Oil-based products as a customer. You can use CBD Oil for so many health issues as well as health maintenance:

  • pain
  • pet health
  • anti-inflammatory
  • supports healthy blood sugar levels
  • relieves anxiety
  • aids in digestion
  • supports optimal immune functions
  • helps with the regeneration of healthy cells
  • gives a sense of wellness and calm well-being
  • hydrates the skin
  • reduces obvious signs of aging
  • lessens dark spots
  • rejuvenates your skin
  • helps in the fight against acne
  • relieves pain
  • promotes bone growth

And these are just a handful of possibilities.

The Benefits

Of course, as with anything in life, you have to compare the pros and the cons in order to make an informed decision on anything you choose to undertake. Let’s take some time to examine the benefits that be attributed to being a customer or an associate of CTFO:

review of ctfo customer smiling

As A Customer:

  • Relief from pain and so many other health issues – using a natural alternative
  • The choice to become an associate at any time – no pressure
  • A voice to others about health improvements and using natural alternatives to do so – not only for themselves but also their four-legged friends, here is a catalog.

ctfo business meetingAs A Business Opportunity:

  • The opportunity to be independent and doing things on your time
  • The possibility to build a passive source of income for a long time – people want to be healthy
  • Helping others to achieve their goals of health and wealth – a harmonious union

My Final Thoughts About The Review Of CTFO – Changing The Future Outcome 2018

Like any other business model, you have to work on the business once you have made the decision to make it your personal success. It will and does take time to see the fruits of you labor, however, the power of exponential compounding makes it easy to see your progress much quicker.

ctfo compensation plan

Let’s change lives – those of others as well as our own – and as we go, improve our health.

I hope this review of CTFO did a good job in making you aware of the goodness of some companies in our world who are also concerned about the health of its customers as well as the wealth that they can provide for them. Much success.

ctfo join today

Images courtesy of Pixabay and CTFO.

I started using CTFO products as a customer and then decided to become an associate. The quality of the products and the structure of the company’s associate program have clinched the deal for me. You can read more HERE and see if this business opportunity could be something for you, or HERE if being a customer is all you would rather be.

You can contact me HERE and I would be more than happy to get you started in the right direction.

76 thoughts to “Review Of CTFO – Changing The Future Outcome 2018

  • Alan Edwards

    Great informative post, I need to find out more about these products, Alan

    • Michelle

      Hello Alan,
      Thanks for your visit. Glad that you found the information interesting. Please drop me an email and let me know how I can help you to find out more. Thanks and all the best.

  • Vicki

    Hi Michelle– I love visiting your website and this article is so great. I have referred it to a friend of mine as she is into green living and this is something that she would benefit from as an affiliate I feel so thank you so much

    • Michelle

      Hello Vicki,
      Thanks for your kind words and love a ‘repeat customer’…I mean, who doesn’t? LOL. So glad that you found the information useful and also that you will share it with someone who you think might benefit from it. All the best and stop by any time.

  • Piseth

    This is really new to me to know it. By the way thanks for the info

    • Michelle

      Hello Piseth,
      Thanks for stopping by and glad that you found the information interesting.
      All the best.

  • Mary

    I was looking to learn about this company and finally found these review. So I have several questions:
    1. Is the oil produced from Hemp or from Cannabis?
    2. Where are the products manufactured?
    3. Can you explain the compensation plan is simple words? The table is too complicated with all the definitions etc.

    • Michelle

      Hello Mary,
      Thanks for your visit and your thoughts. Glad that I am able to provide you with some useful information. Let’s get to your questions:
      1. Is the oil produced from Hemp or from Cannabis?
      The oil is produced from the Hemp plant – you can read my article on the Hemp plant and the production method used by CTFO HERE CTFO uses 100% US grown and processed Hemp –

      We source our hemp from Industrial Hemp farms that produce some of the richest, CBD Hemp in the USA. Our CBD is completely isolated through CO2 extraction & crystal precipitation & is of the highest grade, pesticide free, Non-GMO hemp in the world. These Industrial Hemp Farms are fully compliant with the State Department of Agriculture regulations & are large US distributors of Hemp, rich in CBD, CBG, CBC, and CBN.

      2. Where are the products manufactured?

      All our products are manufactured in the USA in a registered GMP, cruelty-free facility.

      3. Can you explain the compensation plan is simple words? The table is too complicated with all the definitions etc.
      Yes, this can be complicated, so I will try to simplify it as much as I can. Once you become a customer, you also have the opportunity to become a FREE associate member. You can do this any time especially after you try the product and want to tell the once you care about about another great natural alternative. Once you create a sale, you will receive 20% on any product you sell.
      Now, if the person who bought a product using your affiliate link, then enrolls or buys a product, you will now receive 4% on that sale, and every sale from then on. This can lead up to 5 tiers/levels. This can and does add up with each new sale or new enrolled associate. This is as simple as I can make it. If you would like to know more, please leave a note on my contact form at CTFO and I will get more information to you.
      If you have some time, here is an easy and short video that can help as well:
      Thanks so much for your questions and stop by any time.

  • Christina

    This product looks awesome as a natural pain relief! It’s great to see companies and consumers shifting to more natural relief. This looks like a great opportunity, especially for those of us who would already use a product like this. Its easy to passionately promote something when its a great product and company you believe in. I also love the fact that you get a free website with it! It takes all the extra hassle out of this! Thanks for sharing!

    • Michelle

      Hello Christina,
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Yes, it does make a BIG difference when you can find natural alternatives for healthy living and also companies who promote these wellness alternatives PLUS give back to the community on a large scale. Yes, it is a great income opportunity and fueled with the passion of health and helping others – the sky is the limit for anyone who decides to take it. All the best.

  • Brandon

    CTFO seems like a no brainer in my books. The fact that it helps with pain but stays natural is a good choice for people that don’t want to consume synthetic products. I’m a huge fan of all-natural products and your review has got me interested. Thanks for all your help!

    • Michelle

      Hello Brandon,
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I am happy that there are many people in our world today who would rather go the natural route…so thrilled. Also happy that you found the information useful. All the best.

  • Vanessa

    CTFO is a whole new concept to me. Thanks for making me learn something new.

    • Michelle

      Hello Vanessa,
      Thanks for your visit and glad that I helped your learning experience.

  • chris

    Hi Michelle

    I have never heard CTFO before, but after reading your post it is something I will look further into, your post is great and gives out all the information you need.

    Keep up the good work and keep the post coming.

    • Michelle

      Hello Chris,
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Yes, CTFO is a great company – not just for the great affiliate program, but also the great health products.Read about my weight loss experience HERE too! I hope you will find it also as another way for passive income. All the best.

  • Donnie

    Hi, Michelle!

    This is a great post! Very informative for sure!

    I’ve believed in herbal remedies for years now! I was first introduced to the power of herbal remedies by a pastor I had when I lived in Arkansas, USA. He was a big believer in herbs. He quoted Psalm 104:14 all the time which says, “He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth…”!

    He was my pastor when I was fairly young still, many moons ago when my children were still young. One day my daughter Missy fell and skinned the palm of her hand on a new concrete sidewalk. We didn’t think much about it at first. We cleaned it up, of course, and let it go. Well, a few hours later she started getting a red streak running up her arm and needless to say we panicked!

    I was ready to run her to the emergency room for a Tetanus Shot when my pastor showed up! he was very relaxed and said, “No need for all that, I’ll tell you what to do.” He said to take an herb called Golden Seal, boil the leaves in water, make a poultice out of it, and press it on her hand for a period of time.

    My wife and I were skeptical but we tried what he said. We watched her arm in amazement as the streak began to recede back down to the scrape on her hand! We were amazed and have been fans of natural herbs ever since!

    Being a fan of natural remedies I tend to believe what you are saying in this post. I have already been thinking about trying the product if it’s not too expensive. I noticed a catalog link in your post. I’m assuming it is connected to your affiliate link. I would want you to get the credit if I buy.

    As far as the affiliate program goes, can I become a customer first and an affiliate later if I were to decide to do so?

    Great post, M! Real informative! Thanks for sharing.


    • Michelle

      Hello Donnie,
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Yes, great story about your daughter and natural herbs. I am an Island woman and we grew up on natural remedies. I can’t stop praising them myself. And yes, you can become a customer and then decide to be an affiliate later if you choose. Thanks also for wanting to give me the credit from my affiliate link – I appreciate you. All the best.

  • Rob

    I’ve heard a lot about CBD oil and I read that it’s beneficial for so many different things. I want to try it for numbness in my feet and neuropathy and type 2 diabetes.
    Is this the absolute best CBD oil on the market? I’d love to know because I’d be interested in getting it. Thank you for some great information!

    • Michelle

      Hello Rob,
      Thanks for your visit. Yes, CBD Oil is a great natural healing alternative and the brand produced by CTFO is 100% pure Hemp CBD Oil. In my opinion, I say it is the best out there on the market. As a matter of fact, you have given me an idea for my next article and I will send it to you for your perusal. 🙂
      I hope you decide to try it and please leave me your feedback.

  • Bailey

    Thanks for the information, Michelle. I have to be honest; I am generally not a fan of the MLM business model. However, it sounds like CTFO has some points going for it. To begin with, it’s the first MLM company I’ve ever seen that doesn’t charge a fee for joining! It’s also great that associates are given websites and encouraged to sell the products online. That seems much more sustainable and professional (and less annoying) than selling to family and friends. The compensation plan seems fair, too. So, more power to whoever can make money from this!

    • Michelle

      Hello Bailey,
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Yes, indeed, I agree with you. I, too, am not a big MLM person, but I love the company ethics and their generous payment plan…and yes, the products. It is easier for me to promote the health aspect of the product because people need help and to see results. And of course, they sure make it easy to get started. Yes, I hope that some of the readers will indeed take the opportunity and change their lives – in more ways than one – health and wealth can indeed go hand in hand.
      All the best.

  • louise guilfoyle

    This seems like a great business opportunity! I am hearing of CBD oil more and more these days due to the supposed health and pain management benefits, and it seems many people are turning to these products as an alternative to other prescribed medication with a lot of successful outcomes, so it would be great to promote such a beneficial product, especially due to the great commission structure!

    • Michelle

      Hello Louise,
      Thanks for your thoughts and your visit. Yes, the health aspect alone for me is a winner. There are so many health-related issues that CBD Oil will help you with. And yes, I love the company ethics of CTFO, which is why I am a customer and an associate. I hope to educate and help people find healthy natural alternatives as well. All the best.

  • Grace

    Thanks for the info, was looking for cbd oil and heard about CTFO so was wondering to see if the business side is worth it. Could someone make a full time income with something like this?

    • Michelle

      Hello Grace,
      Thanks for your visit. Great question about CTFO. Like any other business model, you get what you put in. And based on the business opportunity that CTFO offers, I can say that it is indeed possible to a full time income from their program. Take a closer look at their compensation plan and see for yourself the unlimited potential available and be sure to view the video as well. All the best.

  • David

    Hi Michelle!
    Thank you for providing such helpful info about this opportunity and healthy alternative. I did some personal research of this and it seems quite legit. I am impressed with the vision, business model and commitment to be fair and transparent. Sounds great to me. Will be exploring this further.
    Thanks again!


    • Michelle

      Hello David,
      Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Yes, CTFO is definitely on the ‘up and up’, no pun intended. I love their mission statement and their execution of it. I especially love their products and their quest to help make the world a healthier and better place for everyone. And of course, wealthier, if you choose to participate in their affiliate program. Definitely worth checking out. All the best.

  • Dira

    What I liked so far is the vision of the company. I think there are many companies like this that lacks a strong vision and integrity. It is the first time I am reading about them and their products and I have to say that I’m impressed with their work. I also believe that what they do is very important: providing healthy alternatives. Today there are way too many people using drugs for pain relief that affect their health in a negative way. But I also know that this industry is very powerful and has often dismissed natural based medicine. But everyone is seeing the consequences and hopefully, more people will turn to healthier alternatives instead. Thanks for sharing this review. I learned a lot.

    • Michelle

      Hello Dira,
      Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts. Yes, I am especially impressed with CTFO’s mission statement and the fact that they also ‘live’ it. It is certainly has ‘integrity’ as its base and I see it going places now and in the future. I also love their motto – company name/logo. It is my hope as well that people will indeed start recognizing the benefits of a natural alternative to health and healing.
      All the best.

  • Brad

    G’Day Michelle,
    I’m from Australia and I read up on your article regarding the many benefits of CBD oil. I thank you for highlighting the therapeutic wonders that hemp provides and it just goes to show that God did put THC on this planet for a good reason. You have provided excellent information and the opportunity for ALL to be a part of. And I reckon’ this will be a booming industry in the near future.
    Great work, best wishes, and see you next time I visit your website.

    • Michelle

      Hello there Brad,
      Thanks so much for your visit and your kind words. Yes, Mother Nature always has a plan, we are just sometimes late in ‘getting it’…LOL. I am happy that you found the information useful and I appreciate your thoughts. All the best to you and looking forward to your next visit.

  • Nathalie

    Hello Michelle, thanks a lot for this helpful information. I have never heard about CTFO before. But reading all the above it is a clear winner. I will definately look deeper into it. Thanks again!

    • Michelle

      Hello Nathalie,
      Thanks for your visit. I am happy that I was able to provide some useful information for you. Stop by later and share your feedback as well. All the best.

  • Lane Onson

    I see you have a wealth of comments. I must look into CTFO further. I am into healthy products and love to know what’s good for the body.

    • Michelle

      Thanks for stopping by, Lane. I hope you read some of the comments and see what others are saying as well. All the best.

  • Huy Le

    Wow! this is amazing! I have always known that there are many benefits to CBD. What I did not realize was how big the business opportunity could be. It seems like you would be able to make quite a bit from this, I will definitely have to keep this in mind for future endeavors Thank you!

    • Michelle

      Hello Huy Le,
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Yes, there are quite a few health benefits to be gained from using CBD Oil as well as a great business opportunity to boot with the CTFO company at your side. Yes, do some research and make an informed decision. All the best.

  • Rebecca Cosmidou

    Wow, Michelle, that was an excellent review! It is great to know more about this awesome company with this gret plan. Although I am not ready to get back on track with website business, if I would do so, it’s gonna be with this company and this therapeutic product!!! Thanks for providing this information with us, Michelle! I really appreciate that!!!

    • Michelle

      Hello Rebecca,
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Yes, CTFO is a great place to be. It will still be around once you decide to resurface. All the best and great health.

  • ariel harris

    Hello Michelle,
    Wow what a fantastic review of CTFO. As a member also I can say that I have never been with a more ethical and customer driven company than CTFO. I am so impressed with the opportunity and ability for anyone to create a brand new vibrant life. First off using their products that change our lives and secondly becoming an independent associate.
    Thank you for such a fabulous job!
    In peace and gratitude, ariel

    • Michelle

      Hello Ariel,
      Thanks for your visit and your kind words. Yes, CTFO does change lives – for better health and for greater wealth – and you are so right – the company ethics are worthy of mention indeed. All the best to you.

  • stephen

    What an informative site Michelle. I have been looking into CBD oil for my wife as she suffers from epilepsy. This is one link that is going to go into my bookmarks for sure. May you have an awesome day

    • Michelle

      Hello Stephen,
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I am glad that you found the information useful. I hope that you wife finds the relief she seeks given her health issue. CBD Oil is a great start. All the best.

  • Waj

    I have been saying for many years the benefits of CBD Oil, but unfortunately the topic has been taboo like in the past. Glad to see people finally starting to embrace the change. Great Post.

    • Michelle

      Hello Waj,
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Yes, it has been taboo. But thankfully, people are being made aware of the health benefits and spreading the word. All the best.

  • Steve

    Hi Michelle, I like your website. Very informative. I was curious about this subject matter, because I have acquired through a friend a CBD relief patch and also a CBD spray. Fortunately I haven’t had a reason to try them yet. Thanks to reading your website, the next time I injure myself (which seems to happen a lot) I will give it a try.

    • Michelle

      Hello Steve and welcome. Thanks for stopping by and your kind thoughts.Awesome. Yes, CBD Oil is making waves and for good reasons too. I hope you never get injured to use it, but if you do, you will be happy. All the best.

  • Amila Ranasinghe

    I wasnt aware of all the benefits from CBD oil, I have heard o hemp oil and never knew there are other companies that has better products. It is great that natural products like this coming into the market versus chemically engineered products.

    • Michelle

      Hello Amila,
      Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts. Yes, it a great thing when we use Mother Nature as a natural healing alternative as well as finding a company which produces the option with great business ethics. Glad you found the information useful. All the best.

  • Markeysha Evans

    CBD oil is something I have been researching recently. For my own use and or from a business stand point. Great to know there might be a chance for me to make money. I am defiantly going to look at the business opportunity here. Thanks

    • Michelle

      Hello there Markeysha,
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Yes, we could always use some passive income opportunities. Do your research and feel free to drop me a line. And of course, remember the health aspect of it all, you are nothing without your health.

  • Rudolph

    Informative article Michelle for a user as well as an Associate. I will recommend this to friends having health products as their niche. I have heard good reviews about CBD oil, but I believe the products are banned in the place I stay. Would definitely want to try natural herbal products.

    • Michelle

      Hello Rudolph,
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Yes, please share with those whom you know will benefit from the health advantages as well as the business opportunity – it is real. Regrettably, a few countries are not on board with this amazing healing oil, but everything in its time. Namaste.

  • Florencio

    I think that CBD oil relieving pain in itself is worth giving it a try. Doctors are to fast to prescribe addictive pain killers where it has now become a epidemic. I’ve heard of CBD oils but never really researched them. Sounds good and CTFO seems like a good company to be a part of. Helping people while making money sounds like a win-win to me.

    • Michelle

      Hello Florencio,
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. You are so right. The big pharma companies would rather you spend your money on addictive pain killers vs using a natural alternative. Yes, it might still cost some money, however, it will be a healthier solution in the long term. And finding a company that does contribute – health, wealth, and ethics, is indeed commendable. All the best.

  • Thabo

    Hi Michelle

    This is a great and thorough review. This looks like a great product I have ever seen in Network markerting because it is free to join.

    I use to do network marketing before but decide to focus on affiliate marketing instead since I enjoyed it.
    I will however refer some friends who are into network marketing as this is a unique company.
    Thanx for the review.

    • Michelle

      Hello Thabo,
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I am glad that you found the article a good one. Yes, the free membership is certainly a selling point for some while the health benefits of the products is the other. Absolutely, share the word with anyone who might be interested for whichever the niche/reason. Thanks and all the best.

  • Courtney Hunt

    This was an interesting read. It’s amazing how socially acceptable it’s become to even have this conversation about the medicinal benefits of cannabis. People need to get off those synthetics big pharma sells and promotes. As Chris Rock says, ” the $ is in the comeback, it ain’t in the cure”

    • Michelle

      Hello Courtney,
      Thanks for your visit and your kind words. Glad that you found the article a good one. Yes, our world has come a long way and the journey is only beginning. All the best

  • Sway

    Michelle.. I’d heard of CBD oil but to be honest, I never knew it had so many benefits:) I know a lot of people that talk about it and how they’re looking for it( I live in a small town so its hard to get it here) but would definitely be interested in seeing more on this particular product.
    Thanks for the read!

    • Michelle

      Hello Sway,
      Interesting name, I wonder what it means. Yes, CBD Oil is great and can do a lot of things for your health. You should be able to order it online, here is a Product Catalog link. All the best.

  • John

    This is a very different MLM company. Most will require that you invest a lot of your own money and time to see any return. I like the offer from CRFO and have been following the effects of using the CBD oils. I have many irons in the fire at this time, I will return to this article soon when I get some things off my plate.

    • Michelle

      Hello John,
      Thanks for stopping by. Yes, CTFO’s mission statement says a lot about the company’s vision and I like that. Also, the lack of monetary investment to get started is also an easy way to transition into the company. As your time permits, give it some more thought and if you come on board, remember to reach out to me.
      All the best.


    Hi, Michelle. CTFO is a good program for both customers and entrepreneurs, where you can learn a lot about health and then internship in our lives. Although I have never heard of CTFO’s plan, I think it’s worth a try, because only by trying it can you know its true value. Thanks for sharing.

    • Michelle

      Indeed, Tee. As the cliche goes – nothing tried, nothing done. In order to be aware, the best way is to ‘take the bull by the horns’. I think a lot of people who experience the health aspect of CTFO and its products will also enjoy the wealth aspect of it too. All the best.

  • Odd Helge Hveding

    Hi Michelle,
    I’ve never heard about this Company, but it sure looks interesting. To me it looks like someone found a solution for finding a good purpose for something that has been a huge problem for society. I welcome such solutions and I will check it out.

    Your post is great and very informative, so thank you for providing quality reviews. They are appreciated. 🙂

    • Michelle

      Hello Odd,
      Thanks for your kind words and I appreciate your sincerity – it shows in your comment. Yes, CTFO is indeed a great ethical company to be associated with – not just for the business opportunity, but also for the wide range of health products that they offer. As your time permits, I encourage you to check it out and be sure to leave your feedback.

  • Kyrielle Henry

    CBD oil is truly amazing. People who are looking for pain relief would benefit greatly from this. I think this is a better alternative opposed to using over the counter medication which can cause serious side effects, As you’ve said, you have to compare the pros and cons and make an informed decision about anything in life but I think the pros outnumber the cons by far. Thanks for the very detailed and informative post. I am sure many people will be thrilled to come across this information.

    • Michelle

      I appreciate your kind words, Kyrielle. Yes, you are so right, the pros do outweigh the cons. CBD oil is indeed a wonderful source of natural healing. We just need to spread the word and get people weaned off all the chemically enhanced medication that they sometimes take and ‘over-take’ in the aim to find relief when Mother Nature has ‘got our back’…and our insides to start with…lol.
      I am glad that you found the information useful.
      All the best.

  • Hannah

    Very informative and interesting post and thanks for sharing

    • Michelle

      Hello Hannah,
      Thanks for visiting and glad that you found the information informative.
      All the best.

  • Anita

    What an informative post. I have been approached by others about the opportunities with CTFO, but no one has addressed my questions as thoroughly as your article and even some of your comments have. I appreciate this!

    • Michelle
        Hello Anita,
        Thanks for your kind words. I am glad that my article was able to answer you questions and provide useful information about CTFO – its products and opportunity as a business. It is also nice to know that the comments proved to be a source as well. Any other questions, please drop me a line. All the best.
  • Carl

    Michelle this is a very generous review of CTFO. Probably even more generous than I would have been; you have obviously done your homework. I have been wanting to find a review of their hair growth formula and their massage oils. Do you have or know of any? I will reach out to you in social media with the same questions. Thank you for this. Looks like you have had a ton of feedback already. Namaste – Carl

    • Michelle

      Hello Carl,
      Thanks for your kind words. Yes, I did some research on CTFO and they are a solid company to be a part of. Not just the company ethics but the products as well. In answer to your question, I did a review on the 4-step hair growth system that you can read HERE and where it concerns the massage oil, I guess you have given me an idea for another article – thanks:)
      All the best and come visit anytime.


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