ctfo cbd isolate drops

CTFO Isolate CBD Oil Drops Review 2018

Have you tried the CTFO Isolate CBD Oil Drops ? Then, I think this is as good a time as ever to do your research and to give it a shot. In this CTFO Isolate CBD Oil Drops Review 2018, we will be looking at the benefits, dosage, and potency. CBD oil can be used for a lot of health issues, and with some amazing results.

Of course, not all oils are created equally, not just CBD Oil but other natural oils as well. Sometimes, there are simple oil additives even though the label clearly says 100% natural. You need to be aware and make a conscious habit to check the labels and the nutritional value.

Of course, not all oils are created equally, not just CBD Oil but other natural oils as well.Click To Tweet

Let’s take a closer look at CDB Oil

CTFO Isolate CBD Oil Drops

CTFO Isolate CBD Oil Drops Review 2018

The main features of this Isolate CBD Oil:

  • This is 99% pure CBD isolate oil
  • It contains Zero THC
  • No known side-effects
  • It comes in 2 sizes: 500mg and 1500mg

The Product Label:

cbd isolate product label 500mg

Benefits Associated With This CDB Oil Drops

The main benefits from using this oil:

  • Pain relief
  • Reduce vomiting and nausea
  • Suppress muscle spasms
  • Reduce seizures and convulsions
  • Promotes relaxation and overall health
  • Relieves anxiety
  • Reduce cravings
  • Helps in digestion
  • Supports optimal immune function
  • Helps in the regeneration of healthy cells
  • Contains no THC which allows consumption of a higher concentration to help with discomfort

How To Take CBD Oil Drops

Now, these bottles are high-potency Pure Hemp oil and are sometimes referred to as tinctures. You can take ½ a dropper of the oil and putting it under your tongue. The suggested frequency is twice daily – morning and evening before going to bed.

You should be able to get 50 servings from the bottle.

The Dosage And Potency

isolate cbd oil drops

It comes in 4 potencies: 300mg, 500mg, 750mg and 1500mg. The prescribed dosage (1/2 dropper) is the same no matter which potency being used.

Here is a breakdown of what each potency can do:

cbd potency chart

300mg Drops

This is for maintaining optimal health

500mg Drops

This is for a slightly higher-level of oil to stimulate optimal health.

750mg Drops

This is for an even higher-level of CBD Oil to maintain a healthy immune function.

1500 mg Drops

This the highest level of CBD oil to support the body’s antiviral and natural healing capabilities.

All the drops are:

  • naturally flavored with peppermint
  • pesticide-free
  • non-gmo
  • co2 extracted Hemp Oil
  • 100% organic
  • Cruelty-free
  • Manufactured in the USA in a registered GMO facility

I think this information should provide you with the answers you seek about the CBD Oil Drops made by the CTFO company.

The company is so confident of its products that it offers a 60-day refund guarantee on all its products. This speaks volumes.

Lab Results Of 500mg Isolate CBD Oil Drops

cbd lab results1cbd lab results2

Lab Results Explained

cbd oil lab results explain


My Final Thoughts On CTFO Isolate CBD Oil Drops Review 2018

Like everything that you choose to take as a natural healing alternative as well as chemically enhanced medication, please do your due diligence and always get medical counsel before you start.

This article, CTFO Isolate CBD Oil Drops Review 2018, is to inform and educate you about the great products that CTFO makes and to broadcast the world of healthy options that can make a difference in anyone’s health situation – either improve or maintain one’s health.

I hope I accomplished this with this article review. All the best and good health.

Images courtesy of Pixabay and CTFO.

I started using CTFO products as a customer and then decided to become an associate. The quality of the products and the structure of the company’s associate program have cinched the deal for me. You can read more HERE and see if this business opportunity could be something for you, or if being a customer is all you would rather be, then CLICK HERE.

You can contact me HERE and I would be more than happy to get you started in the right direction.

8 thoughts to “CTFO Isolate CBD Oil Drops Review 2018

  • Dave

    What a great post! I had no idea there were so many benefits to CBD oil. I’m just curious, are there any issues or side effects with it’s use? Keep up the awesome work!

    • Michelle

      Hello Dave,
      It truly is amazing as more people are coming forward to talk about the benefits and the great things that CBD Oil is doing and has done for their health. I have not heard of any as of this writing, and I can say for myself that I have not experienced any. Thanks for sharing.

  • Wei

    Thank you Michelle for sharing this research. It seems like these oil can do amazing things and there’s no harm to give them a try. Once quick question though, the recommended dosage is 1/2 drop. How do you take 1/2 drop?

    • Michelle

      Hello Wei,
      Thanks for your visit and sharing your thoughts. Yes, CBD Oil is awesome and so ‘talented’ when it comes to healing. You can take the drop under your tongue and then swish around in your mouth and swallow or add to your juice. It truly depends on you and your taste buds. I hope you give it a try and good luck. Drop me a note if you do.

  • thomas

    Great article on the benefits of CBD oil drops! I love how it’s completely natural… In a world where it’s common place to put chemicals into our body’s left and right, we really need more natural ingredients in things we use. I would definitely consider this product!

    • Michelle

      Hello Thomas,
      You are so right. We tend to go straight for the enhanced chemicals versus trying more natural alternatives. Happy that you are among the many that are re-thinking health the natural way.
      All the best.

  • Andrea

    It’s amazing that one product can help with so many different things – not only all the calming benefits but also the regeneration of cells. My mom went through chemotherapy a while ago and ended up with neuropathy. I am wondering if a product like this could help her with regenerating the good cells in her body that the chemo harmed.
    I like that this has a peppermint flavor and that it is 100% organic. Thank you for sharing this information.

    • Michelle

      Hello Andrea,
      My deepest feelings of health to your mother and I hope that she is doing well under her current circumstances. Pure CBD Hemp Oil is used for so many health issues and there are quite a few testimonials to prove it. You can listen to some here
      I think you should check it out some more and also check with your medical counsel before satrting anything new. All the best.


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